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Momentum Satu Tahun Program LeaN On by INVEST DM, Mercy Corps Indonesia dan CISDI Dorong Penguatan Puskesmas Hadapi Pandemi

"Berita Baru, Jakarta – Program LeaN On (Leaving No One behind), sebuah inisiatif respon pandemi yang digagas oleh program INVEST DM dan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), menutup satu tahun perjalanannya dengan menggelar diseminasi dan press briefing bertajuk Sinergi dan Pelibatan Aktif Kelompok Rentan Termarginalkan untuk Komunikasi Risiko dan Perlindungan Pandemi yang Setara, Selasa (10/8).

Program Tracing Covid-19 LeaN On Jangkau 30 Kabupaten/Kota di 6 Provinsi

"TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Direktur Pengembangan Strategi dan Penanggulangan Bencana BNPB, Dr. Agus Wibowo mengatakan Program LeaN On (Leaving No One Behind) sejak September 2020 telah mengerahkan upaya terbaik dalam menjangkau lapisan masyarakat rentan dan termarjinalkan di 30 kota/kabupaten di enam provinsi. 

Mercy Corps Indonesia adalah afiliasi dari organisasi Mercy Corps, sebuah organisasi nirlaba internasional yang bekerja di lebih dari 40 negara di dunia. Didirikan pada tahun 1979, Mercy Corps bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat melewati kondisi krisis, membangun kehidupan yang lebih baik, dan membawa perubahan yang positif.


The Government of Indonesia issued President Regulation No. 82/2020 and created a policy committee for the handling of COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery. That translates into the restructuring of the previous Taskforce to sit under the new committee and the establishment of an Economic Recovery Taskforce. With the two-prong model, the Government aims to manage the disease transmission and while concurrently optimizing its support to citizens through responsive social protection services/ schemes. 


Untuk memenuhi hak-hak penyandang disabilitas dan komunitas termarjinalkan lainnya akan komunikasi risiko COVID-19 dan informasi perlindungan sosial yang inklusif, INVEST DM dengan dukungan dari USAID Indonesia dan MAJu meluncurkan inisiatif tambahan bernama LeaN On. LeaN On by INVEST DM menargetkan penjangkauan 165 ribu penyandang disabilitas dan individu marjinal lainnya dengan memobilisasi 500+ promotor di enam provinsi di Indonesia.

LENGTHS OF INTERNSHIP: 6-8 weeks (February 2021 – April 2021)

HOURS PER WEEK: Part-Time (20-30 hours/week)


The Government of Indonesia issued President Regulation No. 82/2020 and created a policy committee for the handling of COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery. That translates into the restructuring of the previous Taskforce to sit under the new committee and the establishment of an Economic Recovery Taskforce. With the two-prong model, the Government aims to manage the disease transmission and while concurrently optimizing its support to citizens through responsive social protection services/ schemes. 

Program Summary

Under USAID funding, Mercy Corps Indonesia is implementing the “Investing in Human capital for Disaster Management (INVEST-DM) program at the national level. INVEST-DM is supporting the Government of Indonesia in BNPB capacity development to deliver effective disaster risk management (DRM) services and save lives that includes having a strategy for inclusive public education campaign on disaster risks and mitigation.

Program Summary

Under USAID funding, Mercy Corps Indonesia is implementing the “Investing in Human capital for Disaster Management (INVEST-DM) program at the national level. INVEST-DM is supporting the Government of Indonesia in BNPB capacity development to deliver effective disaster risk management (DRM) services and save lives that includes having a strategy for inclusive public education campaign on disaster risks and mitigation.

Program Summary

Under USAID funding, Mercy Corps Indonesia is implementing the “Investing in Human capital for Disaster Management (INVEST-DM) program at the national level. INVEST-DM is supporting the Government of Indonesia in BNPB capacity development to deliver effective disaster risk management (DRM) services and save lives that includes having a strategy for inclusive public education campaign on disaster risks and mitigation.

Berlangganan LeaN On