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The success of the POWER 2.0 program in fostering business farmer groups is the result of work plans and team strategies that are expected to be studied and replicated in other areas so that more farmer groups can be created that can develop business units so that they can provide the services needed by member farmers, including farmers. youth and female farmers.

Penguatan Kapasitas, FP UISU-Mercy Corps Gelar Pelatihan Business Capacity Building Kelompok Tani

TRIBUN-MEDAN.com, LANGKAT - Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (FP UISU) bekerjasama dengan Mercy Corps Indonesia Gelar Pelatihan Business Capacity Building Kelompok Tani di Desa Securai Selatan, Kabupaten Langkat, Selasa-Rabu (3-4/11).

Mercy Corps Indonesia will reach ~500,000 smallholder farmers (20% are women) and 1,000 farmer’s wives in 10 districts in three Provinces through distribution crop protection and contraception products, dissemination of information on product knowledge to support the proper use, time, and dosage of crop protection and contraception products, providing access to accurate, timely and contextualized COVID-19 health messaging.

Mercy Corps Indonesia will reach ~500,000 smallholder farmers (20% are women) and 1,000 farmer’s wives in 10 districts in three Provinces through distribution crop protection and contraception products, dissemination of information on product knowledge to support the proper use, time, and dosage of crop protection and contraception products, providing access to accurate, timely and contextualized COVID-19 health messaging.

Mercy Corps Indonesia will reach ~200,000 smallholder farmers (20% are women) in 4 districts in Central Sulawesi and North Sumatera provinces through distribution crop protection products, dissemination of information on product knowledge to support the proper use, time, and dosage of crop protection products, and providing access to accurate, timely and contextualized COVID-19 health messaging.


Pakai Caping, Belasan Bule Menanam Padi di Langkat

"Langkat, IDN Times - John Deere Asia Volunteerism dan Mercy Corps Indonesia meluncurkan program Promoting Organizations that Work to Empower Rice Farmers (POWER) di Dusun Sendayan, Desa Securai Selatan, Kecamatan Babalan, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara, Selasa (2/7).

Berlangganan POWER 2