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The Investing in Human Capital for Disaster Management (INVEST DM) 2.0 in Indonesia commenced on May 17, 2021. INVEST DM 2.0 builds upon the achievements of the USAID/BHA Technical Assistance and training teams (TATTs) program (2014-2019) and the first phase of the INVEST DM program (May 2019-Jan 2021). Program assistance is focused on the national level, with many of the interventions expected to flow-down for sub-national uptake.


INVEST DM 2.0 (Investing in Human Capital for Disaster Management) program is a collaborative program between the United States Government (through USAID) and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (through the National Disaster Management Agency, BNPB). INVEST DM 2.0 is designed as a continuation of the USAID/BHA Technical Assistance and Training Team (TATTs) program (2014-2019) and the first phase of the INVEST DM program (May 2019-Jan 2021). The program is focused on the national level, with many interventions expected to be absorbed by the regions.

Tujuan Jasa Konsultan:

Tujuan dari konsultansi ini adalah untuk melengkapi panduan pengelolaan roster tenaga ahli kajian risiko bencana terdiri dari komponen: (1) promosi dan mobilisasi (penugasan), (2) monitoring dan evaluasi sebagai kesatuan dari mekanisme pengelolaan tenaga ahli kajian risiko bencana BNPB.


Investing in Human Capital for Disaster Management (INVEST DM 2.0) is a bilateral cooperation program between the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and the Government of the United States of America (USG) through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) via the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).  INVEST DM 2.0 was designed as a continuity of Technical Assistance and Training Team (TATTs) program supported by USAID/BHA in 2014-2019.

Latar Belakang:

DKI Jakarta menjadi hilir dari 13 sungai, disertai curah hujan lokal dan hulu yang seringkali tinggi, serta penurunan muka tanah di pesisir Jakarta, seringkali mendatangkan ancaman banjir di Ibu Kota. Jumlah dan kepadatan penduduk adalah tantangan terhadap paparan ancaman banjir di Jakarta.


The Investing in Human Capital for Disaster Management (INVEST DM) 2.0 program in Indonesia begun on May 17, 2021. INVEST DM 2.0 builds upon the achievements of the USAID/BHA Technical Assistance and training teams (TATTs) program (2014-2019) and the first phase of the INVEST DM program (May 2019-Jan 2021). Program assistance focuses on the national level, with many of the interventions expected to flow-down for sub-national uptake.

Berlangganan INVEST-DM