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Consultant - Technical Experts For Updating The Disaster Operations Planning Guideline

Project Description:

INVEST DM 2.0 is seeking to engage a team of experts to deliver this activity to develop an urgency (background) paper and guide the overall process (i.e., focus group discussions and workshops) on updating Perka 24/2010 planning guidelines on disaster operations planning. The development of an urgency paper must be conducted through rigorous research to review Perka practices, effectiveness, gaps, and its relevance to the new BNPB and Pusdalops' structure and roles and functions. Subsequently, the urgency paper will serve as a basis for updating the Perka 24/2010  conducted through a series of discussions and workshops facilitated jointly between Pusdalops BNPB and INVEST DM 2.0.

The development of urgency paper must capture best practices and lessons learned from the previous disaster operations planning experiences in Indonesia (e.g., 2021 Semeru hot ash avalanche, 2021 Seroja tropical cyclone, 2017 Gunung Agung eruption, etc.). It will be achieved through several methods such as conducting interviews with those actors directly involved in the command post at that time, actors who were applying Perka 24/2010 practice to develop emergency response operation plans, and actors experienced in managing disaster response. A desk study to compare guidelines and practices of emergency operations planning shall also be conducted to provide a comprehensive analysis of literature and current practices to inform recommendations.

Pusdalops BNPB with APBN funding will facilitate meetings and workshop events and update the Perka. Under INVEST DM 2.0 facilitation, the Consultant will actively engage with Pusdalops BNPB to guide the overall process on updating the Perka 24/2010 through moderating and facilitating discussions and workshops and writing the updated guideline.

Consultant Objectives:

  1. Document and analyze best/good/promising practices and lessons learned from the previous disaster response operations planning;
  2. Provide recommendations to the improvement and updating Perka 24/2010;
  3. Develop the updated disaster emergency operations planning guidelines.

Consultant Activities:

The Consultant will:                                                                                

  1. Prepare research design with formulation and research questions and methodology to address this project description and objectives. The research will be qualitative that includes at least:
    1. Desk review about Perka 24/2010, best practices, lessons learned on emergency operations planning, and guidelines from other countries.
    2. Interviews with various actors directly involved in recent major disasters in Indonesia, such Semeru hot ash avalanche, Seroja tropical cyclone, Mount Agung eruption etc.

Actors interviewed must come from people developing disaster emergency response operation plans, national and local governments, militaries, NGOs, UN, and international communities.

  1. Prepare and present the research plan to INVEST DM 2.0 and Pusdalops BNPB;
  2. Conduct the approved research;
  3. Develop the urgency paper (naskah urgensi) for updating Perka 24/2010;
  4. Facilitate discussions on a series of meetings organized by Pusdalops BNPB in updating the guideline;
  5. Develop the updated guidelines;
  6. Assist in clarifying any technical areas of concern during the legislation process;
  7. Consult with Pusdalops BNPB regarding meeting/event arrangements in coordination with INVEST DM 2.0 focal point.

Consultant Deliverables:

  1. An inception report detailing the approved research design and research instruments/tools, including interview guides;
  2. Raw data (recording, transcription, other primary data) and other materials from the data collecting processes, including and but not limited to, reports, photos, videos, presentations, outline;
  3. Approved urgency paper for updating Perka BNPB 24/2010;
  4. Final draft guideline accepted by Pusdalops BNPB on Disaster Emergency Operations Planning guideline;
  5. Final activity report. at max 25 pages excluding annexes, at a minimum, it should explain:
    1. The research purpose and questions;
    2. Methods used and why;
    3. The analysis of data quality should be included in the data collection
    4. Results/findings;
    5. Discussion of findings, including triangulating them with the findings from the desk review.
    6. Actionable Recommendations for INVEST DM 2.0

Timeframe / Schedule: 

The performance period will be up to 28 workdays, with intermittent inputs from 1 March – 29 July 2022.

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