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Program Summary

BENTANI to expand the Project to a new area in North Sumatra to reach more coffee farming families in Dairi District to overcome financial and health welfare barriers. The program will reach 3,700 female coffee farmers/farmers' wives and young women. In addition to young women (19-35 years old), adolescent girls (15-18 years old) from coffee producing families benefit from program activities who have a higher occurrence of stunting compared to adolescent boys. 

Program Summary

BENTANI to expand the Project to a new area in North Sumatra to reach more coffee farming families in Dairi District to overcome financial and health welfare barriers. The program will reach 3,700 female coffee farmers/farmers' wives and young women. In addition to young women (19-35 years old), adolescent girls (15-18 years old) from coffee producing families benefit from program activities who have a higher occurrence of stunting compared to adolescent boys. 

Program Summary 

Mercy Corps Indonesia’s expansion into West Java will build on the success of the BENTANI program (Phase I) and reach additional coffee farming families in Bandung, Bandung Barat, and Garut Districts to overcome barriers to wellbeing and financial health. We will reach 2,700 female coffee farmers/farmers’ wives, 300 girls and 300 men in newly identified locations and deepen engagement with 300 young women from BENTANI Phase I (totaling 3,600).

TPAKD Sibolga Ikut Sosialisasi Program BENTANI Secara Hybrid


Bank BJB (BJBR) Gelar Literasi Keuangan di Komunitas Petani Kopi

"TRIBUNJABAR.ID, Sebagai wujud komitmen perusahaan dalam memajukan perekonomian Jawa Barat, bank bjb berkolaborasi dengan Mercy Corps dan The Starbucks Foundation menggelar edukasi literasi keuangan bagi para keluarga petani kopi di Jawa Barat. Edukasi tersebut diselenggarakan di Kabupaten Bandung dan Kabupaten Garut pada 1-2 September 2022.

Latar Belakang

Berdasarkan data dari ICO (Organisasi Kopi Internasional) menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi perempuan terhadap industri kopi global cukup signifikan yakni 20% - 30% penanaman kopi dikelolaoleh perempuan, dan 70% lebih terdiri tenaga kerja perempuan. Data ICO 2019 juga menyebutkan Indonesia memiliki jumlah petani kopi terbesar ke-3 di dunia (1,3 juta), tetapi bertentangan dengan tren global, sektor ini didominasi oleh pria, sehingga kebutuhan petani perempuan perkebunan kopi sering kali diabaikan.

Berlangganan BENTANI