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Pengadaan Tas Siaga Bencana untuk 1150 Keluarga

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General Position Summary

Assistant will be responsible for directly working with the communities, support the implementation of DRR activities in the field (Kecamatan, Village and Kampong) and maintain good relations with all relevant stakeholders (village government, BPBD, Village DRR Forum, communities, etc.).

This position will be based in Palu in Central Sulawesi with regular visit to the field in the target villages where the environment is largely stable but the living conditions may be rudimentary.

General Position Summary

Livelihood Program Assistant (LPA) is responsible for and works directly with the Community / Farmers and other Stakeholders at the MRED program location in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. In addition, the Livelihood Assistant also acts as a companion and provides technical support to Agricultural Students who assist the community / farmers in the MRED program locations.

General Position Summary

The Geographic Information System (GIS) officer is responsible developing a GIS for Managing Risk through Economic Program (MRED). S/he will coordinate with team in MRED Program to provide information and collecting data. She/He must ensure that GI systems and data are fully integrate with Mercy Corps’ M&E system. M-RED needs to have spatial information on hazard, topography and climate change as basic to understand the disaster and climate risk. The spatial information will be displayed as several thematic maps.


Mercy Corps Indonesia melalui program pengelolaan risiko bencana dan ketangguhan mata pencaharian (MRED) akan melakukan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang mitigasi dan strategi pengelolaan risiko bencana dan pembangunan ekonomi.

Program Pertanian Kacang Tanah Mekanisasi

Kerjasama BUMDes Desa Pulu Kabupaten Sigi dengan PT. Gunanusa Eramandiri dan PT. Sejahtera Petani Indonesia untuk program Pertanian Kacang Tanah Mekanisasi. Kerjasama ini merupakan inisiasi dari Program Mengelola Risiko melalui Pembangunan Ekonomi (MRED) Mercy Corps Indonesia.

Berlangganan MRED