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Renewable Energy Technical Specialist (Rets) – Nzmates

About Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia (YMCI) is a local Indonesian non-profit organization, which implements humanitarian and development assistance programs throughout the country. YMCI’s mission is to empower people in Indonesia to become healthy, productive, and resilient communities.

Program Summary

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) has, through its Aid Programme provided funding for the New Zealand – Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) programme. New Zealand-based renewable energy company Infratec Ltd has been tasked with the delivery of the NZMATES programme. Infratec has engaged with YMCI to jointly implement this five-year programme.

The main goal of NZMATES is to improve social well-being and economic development on Seram Island in Maluku province by supporting, accelerating, and enabling the sustainable development and utilization of the areas’ renewable energy (RE) resources (mainly hydro, solar, wind, and biomass) for the benefit of local communities. NZMATES will work towards promoting and accelerating the identification of RE projects and increase their attractiveness and viability, social and environmental assessments, technical considerations, and triggering and facilitating investment and funding from government, private sector, or other donors. NZMATES will partner and collaborate closely with PLN and EBTKE on increasing the use of renewables and improving energy access through grid-connected and off-grid RE projects.

The NZMATES Team will be based in Ambon and will provide support to fill gaps in knowledge, resources, and research, and will ensure that projects are aligned with the Government of Indonesia and community development framework and objectives. The proposed support for RE projects will include assistance with project identification and appraisal, technical and social assessments, finance matching, and project design to strengthen long-term sustainability. NZMATES is also intended to enhance local public and private sector capacity and offer opportunities for direct training, technical exchange programmes, and interaction between Maluku educational institutions and NZ renewable energy specialists.

General Position Summary

The new Renewable Energy Technical Specialist (RETS) will join an existing RETS to form part of the NZMATES Team, based at Mercy Corps Indonesia’s office in Ambon and travel to programme locations in Seram and surrounding locations. As part of a multi-disciplinary team, this RETS will lead engineering tasks and technical assessments, and will work closely with the other RETS.

This role will be responsible for leading tendering and engineering processes (e.g. detailed engineering, producing bills of materials, drawings, and layouts), technical assessments for potential renewable energy projects, mainly mini- and small-hydro and/or solar PV and storage technologies (e.g. design, engineering, feasibility studies, budgeting, and modelling), and contribute to providing project delivery support with external stakeholders (e.g. supervision, training materials, commissioning good practices, etc.).

This RETS will also support assessments such as scoping potential RE project sites, assessing available RE resource potential, and conducting techno-economic studies from project identification phase (e.g. scoping, pre-design, cost estimates, and pre-feasibility studies), mainly for solar PV mini-grids, hybridisation of diesel-based generation, and grid-connected projects.  Both RETS will be expected to contribute to engagement with different stakeholders involved in the RE project development cycle, and liaise with key technical partners for potential collaboration, and coordination of roles and responsibilities. In particular, both RETS will support and work directly with PLN and ESDM staff on potential projects, and engage with private sector entities and/or communities in developing RE technical project proposals as necessary. Both RETS’ tasks will also include supporting the development of practical and technical long-term sustainable business model considerations for RE projects to ensure their financial, technical, and operational sustainability. The RETS will also contribute to community engagement and consultation processes.

The RETS will also be involved in mentoring of other staff less familiar with renewable energy technologies and programmes. It should be noted that while the RETS will be responsible for a wide range of technical areas, the role will be supplemented with technical engineering support, from within Infratec or externally, where required at key stages during the programme. The RETS is also expected to closely engage with the NZMATES Community Engagement Officers for support in data gathering, and also to incorporate aspects of social assessments and considerations into the projects’ technical aspects.

*This position is for 6 months temporary and possible to extend.

Essential Job Responsibilities

  • Lead and carry out technical studies for grid-connected and off-grid renewable energy projects (e.g. technical feasibility studies, renewable energy assessments, design and modelling of RE projects, detailed engineering of RE projects, grid interconnection studies, etc.);
  • Support the delivery of renewable energy solutions for programme partners (PLN and ESDM) as required through research, developing tools, methodologies, processes, and procedures for selecting technologies, types of technical solutions, design criteria, evaluation of different technologies, and multi-criteria analysis, among others, preferably on solar PV technologies;
  • Design of project delivery methodology and schedule, from conceptual design and detailed engineering, to implementation and operation maintenance. Depending on the agreed nature of the project this will require technical support to deliver directly, or allow others to prepare, all requirements necessary for projects to proceed, including:
    • accurate project budgets, quoting and cost estimating;
    • design and functional specification, equipment selection, and bill of materials;
    • drawings and layouts, suitable standards and specifications;
    • works and contractor supervision and commissioning requirements;
    • specialist resources and support
  • Support the identification of technical needs or potential technical specialists in PLN and ESDM Dinas regarding renewable energy project development and work collaboratively with them;
  • Support other RETS to identify, assess potential, and appraise potential grid-connected and off-grid renewable energy projects, mainly solar PV and storage technologies;
  • Consider and incorporate sustainability and cross-cutting issues into technical work;
  • Support PLN, ESDM Dinas, private sector, and/or communities in developing RE project proposals;
  • Develop, assess, consider, long-term sustainable business models for RE projects, including financial and operational sustainability;
  • Work closely with the Community Engagement Officers to incorporate community inputs and other considerations into the technical design of projects;
  • Mentoring and on-site training of community, ESDM, and PLN staff during field or other assessments;
  • Support, collaborate, and train/exchange (when necessary) Community Engagement Officer(s) and the other RETS with a structured gap assessment and identification of specific training opportunities.




  • University degree in electrical or mechanical engineering, renewable energy technologies, or similar;
  • ● 5-10 years’ experience in designing and delivering renewable energy projects, preferably solar PV and storage technologies or hydro power technologies;
  • ● Experience conducting feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, and/or other technical studies in the renewable energy field;
  • Renewable energy and energy storage technology experience – one or more of the following:
    • Experience using renewable energy and energy storage modelling and design software (e.g. HOMER Pro®, RETScreen, iHOGA, DER-CAM, Excel-based tools, or others);
    • Experience using solar PV design and modelling software/tools (e.g. PVSyst, SolarGIS, Meteonorm, Sunny Design); and/or
    • Experience using GIS tools and hydropower modelling software/tools (e.g. Casimir, PEACH, Hydrohelp, others).
  • Experience using drawing software (e.g. AutoCAD, Sketch-Up, Draft Sight);
  • Experience in developing bill of materials for renewable energy projects;
  • Experience in developing tendering documentation, detailed design and engineering, and with supporting entities as owners engineer is desirable ;
  • Knowledge of renewable energy financial analysis tools (e.g. SAM), using pricing or estimation techniques or software (e.g. Pronamics, Excel, other tools), and developing RE project budgets;
  • Some knowledge of conceptual or detailed design of LV and HV network installations will be advantageous;
  • Practical, hands-on experience working in energy access and/or renewable energy programmes;
  • Ability to foster positive and effective working relationships with variety of stakeholders;
  • Strong communications skills and experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team;
  • Experience working in Maluku province and understanding of local context will be highly valued;
  • English language skills an advantage;
  • Ability to take initiative, to anticipate and solve problems, meet deadlines, work under pressure, work independently on multiple tasks with limited supervision, and work cooperatively with team members and partners;
  • Ability to be flexible, open-minded, and creative;
  • Willingness to spend significant time in field locations with limited access to commodities.
  • Women and people from Maluku are especially encouraged to apply for this position.

Living Condition

The position is based in Ambon, Maluku and requires up to 40 – 50% travel to project locations in other districts in Maluku including very remote areas.

Ongoing Learning

In support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and development.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Achieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.

We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact.

We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.

Safeguarding & Ethics

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesua is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to Mercy Corps Code of Conduct Policies and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct elearning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.

Accountability to Participants and Stakeholders

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

How to Apply

Please send your CV together with the form on this link with the subject: “RETS_NZMATES_Your Name” to hrd@id.mercycorps.org .

The vacancy will be closed on 04 April 2021 and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview. We look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.

Thank You,

Human Resources Department

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia