Consultant for Study on Gender Roles and Participation in the Renewable Energy Sector in Maluku
NZMATES Program Summary
The New Zealand – Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) aims to accelerate renewable energy (RE) development to improve access to energy in Maluku province. The five-year program is funded by the New Zealand Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and is implemented by renewable energy company Infratec Ltd. in partnership with Mercy Corps Indonesia. NZMATES is working towards promoting and accelerating the identification of renewable energy projects and increase their attractiveness and viability, social and environmental assessments, technical considerations, and triggering and facilitating investment and funding from government, private sector, or other donors. NZMATES has partnered and collaborates closely with PLN, EBTKE, Dinas ESDM, and BAPPEDA on increasing the use of renewables and improving energy access through grid-connected and off-grid RE projects.
NZMATES also aims to promote gender equality and empowerment of women by supporting women in male-dominated technical sectors (e.g. University students), and aiming to include 20% women in our training activities. During the approximately four years the NZMATES program has been running in Maluku, women’s involvement in the training activities carried out with main partners (PLN and DESDM) as well as educational institutions has remained low, at 15.3% or 40 people out of 301 participants. From NZMATES’ Women in Energy initiative, challenges faced by women are generally constructed at society level, such as how particular engineering jobs are portrayed as a “man’s job”, and gender roles borne by women.
Background of the study
So far there is no dedicated study on existing conditions related to women’s roles and participation in the energy sector in Maluku, particularly in renewable energy. This study aims to fill the gap by investigating underlying social and cultural aspects, including norms and existing public policies. This study will be useful for NZMATES to develop upcoming strategy and activities that respond to women’s needs while also promoting gender equality in renewable energy, and also provide a publicly available reference that can inform other actors working in the energy sector in Maluku.
The output of this study will be a reference document about women’s roles and participation in the renewable energy sector in Maluku. The document will include recommendations on how gender mainstreaming can be done by various stakeholders to improve inclusivity in energy sector in Maluku. In the future, the study will be beneficial as a basis for the government and any institutions to develop a roadmap for gender mainstreaming in energy sector. The study document also will include recommendations for how the NZMATES programme can better incorporate gender approaches into activities.
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