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Consultant for development of learning documents of the POWER 2.0 program


The success of the POWER 2.0 program in fostering business farmer groups is the result of work plans and team strategies that are expected to be studied and replicated in other areas so that more farmer groups can be created that can develop business units so that they can provide the services needed by member farmers, including farmers. youth and female farmers.

Therefore, it is necessary to document the learning of the POWER 2.0 program which includes various strategies, support, collaboration models that have been carried out and services that have been facilitated, including the use of digital tools that have been implemented, so that it becomes an attraction for farmers to be more active in developing farmer group business units, including young farmers and women farmers, so as to have a positive impact on the development of farmer group business units.

Purpose / Project Description:

  1. Developing learning documentation on business farmer group development efforts to make it easier to replicate so that more farmer groups can develop business units and provide services needed by member farmers, including women farmers and young farmers.
  2. Knowing the relationship between program concepts, work plans, team approaches, activities and field adaptation with the success of increasing farmer group business growth.
  3. To provide references in the future that can be used by various parties (government, private sector or other institutions) in the context of developing farmer groups into independent business units.     

Consultant Activities:

The Consultant will:

  1. Preparation of learning documents
  2. Collecting data both from the system that has been prepared and taking data directly in the field
  3. Data processing & learning document creation
  4. Presentation of study results/learning documents

Consultant Deliverables:

The Consultant will:

  1. Learning documents in Indonesian from the POWER program with target readers, including internal parties of the Indonesian mercy corps and global mercy corps, economic development practitioners, government agencies, the private sector, and academia.
  2. Making an outline of learning documents and brief explanations for each part of the outline, work plans and learning documentation methods prepared by the consultant until approved by the POWER team before the consultant conducts a field visit.
  3. Summary of learning documents presented in the form of a presentation (PPT file).

Preferred Qualification and Experiences

  1. University degree in Economic, Business, Social Studies, Agriculture or related fields
  2. Experienced in developing learning documents, journal, or academics writings.
  3. Have a good communication skills to gather data needed for the learning document.
  4. Computers skills with strong familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  5. Consulting agency and independent consultant are welcome to apply.

Timeframe / Schedule: 

Consultants will start work on 3 March 2022, completion of learning documents and presentations before 30 April 2022.

The Consultant will report to:

Tri Ismono – POWER 2.0 Program Manager

The Consultant will work closely with:

POWER 2.0 Program Manager, Senior Business and Finance Program Officer POWER 2.0, POWER 2.0 MEL team, and all District Coordinator for POWER 2.0 program.

How to Apply:

Prospective candidates shall email their technical proposal outlining (institutions/individuals) :

(a) The proposed strategies and approach

(b) CV or Company Profile and price quotation

sent by email to procurement@id.mercycorps.org with subject “Consultant – POWER - Learning Document Development” before February 24th, 2022. Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be contacted.