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Batas Waktu

M-RED Phase 4 Research and Learning consultancy


Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.

In disaster-prone countries, climate related shocks and recurring disasters contribute to loss of livelihoods and household assets of poor communities resulting in food insecurity and cyclical poverty. Life-saving community mobilization of conventional disaster risk reduction (DRR) approaches has seen tremendous growth in the last decade; however, these efforts have had limited effect on mitigating the economic losses suffered by the poor when disaster strikes.

Mercy Corps’ Managing Risk through Economic Development (M-RED) program supports the most vulnerable households in smallholder farming communities. It is an integrated program that looks at both disaster risk reduction and its integration with the market system development promoting livelihood opportunities.

The program has been implemented since 2013 and now, spanning through three countries of Indonesia, Nepal, and Timor Leste, we are in our last year of Phase 4. Aiming to build disaster ready communities for smallholder farmers and in low-attention communities and disaster, our program approaches focus on the following four priorities:

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